Data & Figures

Tobacco consumption in Switzerland

27.% of the population age 15 and over smokes

Consumption of tobacco among young people

More than one young person out of six (17.2%) 18 to 19 years old started smoking daily before their 18th birthday

Passive smoking

20.8% of the population age 15 and up is exposed to second-hand smoke for at least one hour per week

Quitting smoking

Almost two-thirds - 62.0% - of smokers want to stop smoking

Mortality and morbidity linked to smoking

It is estimated that in Switzerland, nearly 9'500 people died from smoking-related diseases in 2017

Tobacco consumption worldwide

Over 1.1 billion people around the world are smokers

The economic costs of smoking

In 2017, the total health costs - or direct costs - related to smoking exceeded CHF 3 billion

Interactive infographic - Costs

How much does tobacco use cost Switzerland?

This interactive infographic reveals the cost

Female smoking in Switzerland: an epidemiological perspective

In Switzerland, in 2022, more than one 15-year-old girl in five was a smoker (20.8%)