Stop Smoking Line

Quit smoking counselling by telephone


Most smokers want to quit. Often, they don’t know the best way to go about it. The Quit Smoking Helpline is a telephone counselling service to help you find an easier way to kick the habit.

Thousands of smokers have used the Quit Smoking Helpline. The counsellors are professionals when it comes to helping you quit.

The Quit Smoking Helpline offers information and comprehensive counselling in several languages.

German, English, French, Italian 0848 000 181

The Helpline is available 11:00 to 19:00 Monday through Friday. Calls cost 8c/minute from landlines, more from mobiles. For counselling in Italian calls well be returned within 24 hours on weekdays.

Outside opening hours or in case all lines are busy, you can leave a message and the Quit Smoking Helpline will call you back. Call-backs are free of charge.

You can benefit from on-going counselling. The Quit Smoking Helpline will call you at agreed times and provide you with long-term counselling. Call-backs are free of charge.